Re. Plastic Surgery

Lower Body Lift

A lower body lift, like an abdominoplasty, involves muscle repair and removal of loose skin, but extends the full 360 to remove excess from the lower back as well.

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Lower Body Lift Illustration

Is a lower body lift right for me?

As lower body lifts remove skin from the full 360, it typically suits patients who have had major weight loss and are tackling excess skin and small amounts of fat around their stomach, hips, and back.

Typically we say if you can lift your excess skin the whole way around like a pair of pants, you may be a better candidate for an LBL as abdominoplasties (tummy tucks) only tackle hip to hip.

It’s important to remember lower body lift surgery is not a weight loss solution and will not suit patients who have a large amount of excess fat; a topic we go into greater detail on in our podcast Keeping It

With comprehensive, bespoke consultations and expert standards of surgery, we’ll help you decide if surgery is an option for you.

Scroll through some of our recent lower body lift before-and-afters to see the Re. standard.

Disclaimer: Images and videos on this page are published with the consent of our patients and depict surgeries performed by Dr. Richard Bloom (MED0001151476) and Dr. Kim Taylor (MED0001219365), registered medical practitioners with specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic Surgery. The depicted results are unique to each individual and influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle, and therefore do not represent or constitute a guarantee of similar surgical results or outcomes for every patient. Every surgical or invasive procedure carries inherent risks, including with complications and recovery. Those risks will be comprehensively explained by a qualified doctor in consultation prior to your agreement to the procedure. Before embarking on your surgical journey, it is crucial to seek medical advice from a qualified health practitioner. The content on our page is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice. 

Further information, including in relation to risks, can be accessed via our website (

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View all before & afters

A look into the lower body lift journey

1 hour

A private consultation with your surgeon

Every procedure starts with a private, no-commitment conversation with either Richard or Kim, the founding surgeons of Re. Plastic Surgery. We want to know your dream body and how we can help you reach that goal.

2-3 months

Your first appointment

Our surgeons’ wait lists are constantly changing but prepare for a 2-3 month wait to have your first consultation. This is a good thing! If a surgeon can see you straight away ask yourself why they aren’t busy operating or in high demand. These consultations last around an hour with your surgeon taking your pre-surgery photos, explaining what’s involved in an operation and understanding your desired outcomes. You’ll also have an in-depth, personal quote with our surgical co-ordinator that is valid for 3 months.

2-3 months

Your surgery date

Once you’ve paid your deposit for your surgery, wait times will fluctuate depending on time of the year and your procedure, but allow for a 2 – 3 month wait time.

1-2 weeks

Prepare for surgery

We know this is an exciting transformation, so we promise to be there every step of the way. From pre-surgery consults, check-ins with your surgeon all the way to post-op laser and LED appointments with our dermal therapist.

2 nights

Day of procedure

You will wake up in the recovery bay of the hospital and your tummy will feel swollen but comfortable. You’ll be wearing your post-surgical compression garment to ensure optimal healing and support. Most patients will stay two nights in hospital.

1-2 weeks

The early days

The first 48-72 hours are mildly uncomfortable but will be well controlled with pain medication. It is okay to shower and get your dressings wet and you can sleep in any position that’s comfortable. During this period, you’ll have your complimentary LED scar management treatment to promote healing.

By week two, you can begin to ease back into light physical activities. Most patients are able to comfortably start driving.

6-8 weeks

Your recovery journey

You would be back to your normal daily routine and enjoying your new shape. Normal post-operative bruising and swelling should be gone, and your scars will begin to fade and diminish. You are able to fully resume normal exercise. At the end of this period you will have your post-operative complimentary laser scar treatment.

A look into the Body Lift journey

1 hour

A private consultation with your surgeon

Your initial consultation will take about an hour and will be with your surgeon. This gives you and your surgeon the time to discuss what’s involved in a tummy tuck procedure and help you make the right decision for you, based on your body type, your lifestyle and your expectations.

2-3 months

Your first appointment

Our surgeons’ wait lists are constantly changing but prepare for a 2-3 month wait to have your first consultation. This is a good thing! If your surgeon can see you straight away ask yourself why he isn’t busy operating or in high demand. These consultations last around an hour with your surgeon taking your pre-surgery photos, explaining what’s involved in an operation and understanding your desired outcomes. You’ll also have an in-depth, personal quote with our surgical co-ordinator that is valid for 3 months.

2-3 months

Your surgery date

Once you’ve paid your deposit for your surgery, wait times will fluctuate depending on time of the year and your procedure, but allow for 2-3 months wait time.

We know this an exciting transformation so we promise to be there every step of the way, from pre-surgery consults, check ins with your surgeon all the way to post-op laser and LED appointments with our dermal clinician.

1-2 weeks

Book in and prepare for surgery

When you’re ready we book in your procedure. At Re. we believe the preparation for the surgery, and the care you receive after the surgery is as important as the procedure itself. It’s why we developed a special whole-of-journey program called Re.Care.

1 day

Day of procedure

You will wake up in the recovery bay of the hospital and your tummy will feel swollen but comfortable. You’ll be wearing your post-surgical compression garment to ensure optimal healing and support of your tummy area. Most patients will stay one or two nights in hospital.

6-8 weeks

The early days

The first two to three days you may feel mildly uncomfortable, but this can be well controlled with pain medication. It may be difficult to stand up straight, but this will improve over the first week. It is ok to shower and get your dressings wet and you can sleep in any position that is comfortable. You will also have your first post-surgery review appointment at Re.

6-8 weeks

Your recovery journey

You should be back to your normal daily routine now and loving your new shape. Normal post-operative bruising and swelling should be gone, and your scars will begin to fade and diminish. You are able to fully resume your normal exercise routines.At the end of this period you will have the first of your complimentary laser treatments to reduce the signs of scarring.

Frequently asked questions

all about Body Lifts

A lower body lift, or circumferential abdominoplasty, addresses the entire lower trunk. It is a more common operation for women who have had massive weight loss. It addresses your tummy area, your lateral thighs as well as the buttock.

Basically, if your excess skin extends beyond the hips, you may consider a body lift over an abdominoplasty to get the best result.

Yes, if you have lost more than 5 BMI points and suffer from symptoms related to your excess skin or loss of core muscle strength. The item number used is 30179, check with your health fund if this number is included in your level of cover

Almost all lower body lifts at Re. include muscle repair as a part of the operation. Either due to weight loss or pregnancies, the abdominal wall stretches and the rectus muscles separate meaning most patients opting for an LBL require muscle repair.

Muscle repair can help your core control, reshape your waist and improve your contour. There is also evidence it can help with core strength, back pain, and urinary incontinence if you currently suffer those symptoms.

Your scar will run all the way around your lower body below the level of your undies or bathers.

Check out our before-and-afters for a better idea of what to expect, keeping in mind most scars will continue to fade more than our 4 month post-op examples.

Having a lower body lift or abdominoplasty will not physically prevent you from having a child—your skin will stretch just like it would prior to surgery. The big unknown is how much your skin will shrink back down after your pregnancy and this will vary from person to person.

It is unlikely that your skin would go back to what it was like prior to your body lift. However, if there was some recurrent laxity, then it could likely be addressed with a revision. The same would apply if you put on weight.

Our lower body lift surgical fee is $22,000. This includes follow up appointments, post-operative garment, silicone tape, gel, two scar treatments and a complimentary PT consultation to assist your recovery.

In addition to this, there is an anaesthetist fee of $3,500 and additional hospital fees. A more detailed and complete quote will be provided at your initial consult, with the relevant hospital providing their fees 24-48 hours after your appointment.

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