Re. Plastic Surgery

Contact Us

You’ll feel the care from the moment you call, through the initial hour-long consultation, the discretion shown throughout the process and the extra steps our team take to help you feel comfortable and confident with your post-operative care.

Re Plasticsurgery Melbourne

Where to find us

Opening Hours

Monday: 9am–5pm
Tuesday: 9am–5pm
Wednesday: 9am–5pm
Thursday: 9am–5pm
Friday: 9am–5pm

Discreet, but easy to find. One street back from the village.
Off street parking is available at the back of the shopping centre.

Get in touch

We are here to answer any questions

Feeling ready to start your surgery journey? Please fill in the form here so we can get in touch and answer any and all questions you may have about the process, cost, recovery and availability.

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