Re. Plastic Surgery
Breast Augmentation
For those seeking increased volume, improved symmetry, or natural looking projection.
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For those seeking increased volume, improved symmetry, or natural looking projection.
Start your journeyThe best candidates for a breast augmentation are women who are seeking new shape and fullness in their chest. With comprehensive, bespoke consultations and expert standards of surgery, we work with patients to achieve the realistic outcome they’re after.
Scroll through some of our recent breast lift before-and-afters to see the Re. standard.
Disclaimer: Images and videos on this page are published with the consent of our patients and depict surgeries performed by Dr. Richard Bloom (MED0001151476) and Dr. Kim Taylor (MED0001219365), registered medical practitioners with specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic Surgery. The depicted results are unique to each individual and influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle, and therefore do not represent or constitute a guarantee of similar surgical results or outcomes for every patient. Every surgical or invasive procedure carries inherent risks, including with complications and recovery. Those risks will be comprehensively explained by a qualified doctor in consultation prior to your agreement to the procedure. Before embarking on your surgical journey, it is crucial to seek medical advice from a qualified health practitioner. The content on our page is general in nature and does not constitute medical advice.
Further information, including in relation to risks, can be accessed via our website (
Get a complete picture of what you can look like after your breast augmentation, breast lift or breast reduction surgery with advanced simulation and 3D imaging.
When it comes to changing how your body looks through plastic surgery, you want to be absolutely confident in your decision. To give you a complete understanding of what to expect from your procedure, Re. uses the advanced Vectra 3D Imaging System.
Re. is one of the few plastic surgery clinics in Australia to offer the Vectra 3D Imaging System to their breast surgery patients in Melbourne.
When considering a boob job, lift or reduction, the consultation process is important to ensure both you and your surgeon are working toward the same desired outcome. During this time, your Re. surgeon can use 3D Imaging to provide you with the most realistic view possible of what your body could look like after breast surgery.
While before-and-after photos can provide some indication of what’s possible with breast implants, a more personalised representation is optimal. Using this advanced imaging system, your Re. plastic surgeon will capture multiple photos of the treatment area and combine them using the Vectra simulation tool to make a three-dimensional image of your body.
During the consultation, you will be able to preview your breasts on our screen from almost any angle to get a realistic view of your surgery outcome. Your Re. plastic surgeon can adjust the appearance of your image in real time with various surgical options, so you can decide on the procedure that best suits your personal goals. These images can then also be uploaded to your own personal TouchMD file, so you can look at them in your own time at home and discuss with family or friends.
In the case of a breast augmentation consultation, different size breast implants are simulated to give a preview of what suits your exact frame and body type and what your breasts may look like after surgery. Breasts can be made to look bigger, smaller, fuller or lifted to create the desired appearance.
The Vectra 3D Imaging System is mostly used for breast implant surgery, but may also be used to simulate breast lift or breast reduction and can also be used to simulate body contouring with liposuction. The entire process takes only a few minutes and helps remove guess work and ensures we all have the same expectations. Now you can make an even more informed decision and feel confident in your desired surgery outcomes.
Modern breast implants can last many years and may never need to be replaced. Forget what you’ve heard about implants needing to be replaced at 10 years. At Re. we only use Mentor breast implants. We believe, because of their commitment to safety, feel and shape, as well as their record of excellence in the industry, these are the highest quality implants available.
Most importantly, we’ll discuss what size and shape of implants will best suit your body type.
The first thing your surgeon will discuss with you is your breast goals. Do you want a natural shape, round appearance or subtle increase? A breast enlargement or a breast enhancement. Then your surgeon will examine your breast and chest dimensions and present a number of options.
We then use the latest 3D simulation software to give you an accurate guide as to what your implants will look like on your own photos, which you will also be able to access after your consultation.
Finally, we will show you what the size implant actually looks like and you get to try it on under your clothes.
Everybody’s different. We’ll look at how much breast tissue you naturally have, particularly in your upper pole. Then we take into consideration the size of implant you have chosen and discuss your personal preference and lifestyle activities. Based on all of this we will recommend the best placement for you.
Yes, most women can still breastfeed after breast surgery. It is important to note, however, up to 40% of women are unable to breast feed even without a breast augmentation.
Our breast augmentation surgical fee is $12,959. This includes your implants, follow up appointments, post-operative garment, silicone tape, gel, two scar treatments and a complimentary PT consultation to assist your recovery.
In addition to this, there is an anaesthetist fee of $990 and additional hospital fees. A more detailed and complete quote will be provided at your initial consult, with the relevant hospital providing their fees 24-48 hours after your appointment.
It really depends what sort of work you do. If your work is largely office based, you can often return within a week. If your job is more physical, you may need a couple of weeks.
Feeling ready to start your surgery journey? Please fill in the form here so we can get in touch and answer any and all questions you may have about the process, cost, recovery and availability.