Is A Tummy Tuck Safe?


If you’ve been considering a tummy tuck, the good news is that it is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries with a high satisfaction rate and low risk of complications.

What exactly is a tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty, as it is also known, is a body-contouring procedure. It removes excess skin and fat, and tightens up loose abdominal muscles that have stretched out either during pregnancy or weight gain. It may be combined with liposuction, but is not intended as a weight loss tool. The surgery is effective in reducing back pain, chaffing, skin rashes and bulging caused by the loose skin or tummy wall laxity.

What are the risks?

Most of the risks associated with a tummy tuck are consistent with any surgery and relate to infection, bleeding and wounding healing. Having your surgery performed by experienced, qualified plastic surgeons, in accredited specialised hospitals will help reduce the risk of post-op complications.

Fluid accumulation under the skin (seroma), is minimised by placing drain tubes in and around the incision. Sometimes however it does require drainage in the office in the weeks after surgery. Whilst annoying if it occurs, it doesn’t have any long-term consequences and is generally not painful to do.

The trade-off with a tummy tuck is that the operation leaves a scar. Location and extent of scarring should be discussed with a surgeon and will be minimised with proper postoperative care provided by Re. which includes silicone taping and laser treatment.

Other risks include: numbness or changes in skin sensitivity, discolouration, prolonged swelling and asymmetry.

When comparing costs, avoid making a decision based solely on price, especially with the lure of overseas plastic surgery packages where the risk far outweighs the reward.

Does it require a hospital stay?

An abdominoplasty is a longer procedure that is performed under a general anaesthetic. With reduced mobility and some discomfort afterwards, an overnight or two-night stay in hospital with nursing care is required.

How long is recovery?

Recovery can take up to six weeks, with patients initially wearing a compression garment and returning for weekly reviews. Patients are able to return to a desk job typically after two weeks. Exercise should be limited to gentle movements for the first couple of weeks before resuming more strenuous activity after six weeks.

How can I reduce my risk?

A discussion with a certified plastic surgeon is important to fully understand the procedure and the risks involved before surgery. At Re., we ensure our patients are safe and comfortable throughout the process. The care at Re. begins with consultations where necessary information is provided and care continuing until well after the day of surgery. We have highly qualified surgeons who specialise in this procedure and have extensive experience performing abdominoplasties. Our surgeons adhere to the highest standard of practice and are FRACS qualified and members of ASPS and ASAPS.

For the best results, book a consultation with expert plastic surgeons Dr Richard Bloom and Dr Kim Taylor. Call 03 8840 0000 or visit Re. Plastic Surgery at Level 3, 36 Jackson Street, Toorak, VIC.